27th April 2024

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National Association Of Local Councils

The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) is a body that represents over 10,000 Parish and Town Councils in England (Local councils). NALC is committed to making this primary level of local government more effective, more democratic and better able to take a leadership role in local communities.

Local councils who subscribe to YLCA are automatically affiliated to NALC so that this body can speak at central government level on their behalf and provide a legal advisory service to them via YLCA.

As you will be aware, your council's membership subscription to the YLCA means that YLCA can access services on your behalf from the National Association of Local Councils. NALC not only provides legal and technical services to the county associations but also undertakes a good deal of liaison work with Ministers, MP's and civil servants for the benefit of the parish movement.

Yorkshire Local Councils Associations is represented on the National Assembly of the National Association:
North Yorkshire - Councillor Heather Phillips
West Yorkshire - Councillor Peter Allison
South Yorkshire - Councillor Duncan Wright.

Please remember that any YLCA Member Council can access the National Association of Local Councils' members site. This contains legal information and updates for first-tier councils, and the latest policy and parliamentary news and briefings. Members' access is via a username and password. Please contact us if you don't already have these details on admin@yorkshirelca.gov.uk.

Last updated: Thu, 15 Feb 2024 09:24